Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stephan Dartevelle -- Steppe Bellberry

"A hardy plant that actively thrives in highlands and extreme mountainous terrain, the Steppe Bellberry has remained unchanged in appearance for millions of years. The Incredibly thick bulb and fronds helps the Bellberry conserve nutrients in its harsh environment, while the protective barbs lining the outsides of the bulb deter hungry animals from harming it. In the wet season, the Bellberry bulb briefly produces a long pronged stalk, which spawns several large fruit-like pods. High off the ground, the pods are presented away from the barbs and spines of the bulb, rattling loudly in the harsh winds to encourage the consumption and dispersal of the seeds by animals. In Mountain Fellbapp culture, the prongs and pods of the Bellberry are dried together and are used as instruments in ceremonial gatherings."

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